PTI+ Digital Science

Towards an inclusive and innovative digital society

We are the Digital Science and Innovation Platform. Our mission is to innovate in all areas of digital science and data lifecycle management, from planning, acquisition and processing to publication and preservation. This PTI has a clear focus on innovation in all areas that generate economic and societal impact, with special interest in health and wellbeing, agriculture, climate and secure society. This platform also aims to promote training in digital competencies to facilitate everyday tasks.

We believe in open and innovative science, in making data accessible to society and in commonly used infrastructures to develop competitive capabilities. We also regard the ethical aspects of scientific integrity and responsible research as essential; and will observe the regulatory and methodological procedures that ensure good scientific and dissemination practices, especially those related to confidentiality and data protection, data security, open access, or biases in algorithms.


Promote R&D in our thematic areas.

Transfer research results to society.

Sensitise researchers to the importance of open science.

Raise awareness among CSIC staff and society regarding cybersecurity.

Promote training in digital skills.

Establish protocols of good practices in the management of scientific data.

Strengthen common-use infrastructures to develop competitive capabilities.

Facilitate and accompany CSIC’s researchers access to computing resources, whether they have previous knowledge or not.

Development and implementation of technologies compatible with the semiconductor industry for the manufacture of chips.

Promote the update of CSIC’s digital management in order to develop a more agile methodology.