Scientific and technological services

CSIC provides different scientific and technological services. In this section you can find links to CSIC Services Catalogue related to the objectives of the PTI Digital Science or contact points with experts for consultancy on different topics. Also, if you do not find the service you are looking for, contact us ( and we will check if CSIC staff can offer you what you need.

Digital humanities lab

In the CSIC Services Catalogue , within the ILC- MEDITERRANEAN AND MIDDLE EAST LANGUAGES AND CULTURES, the Digital Humanities Laboratory offers five services:
– Linguistic analysis and grammatical processing of texts and documents.
– Document digitization and/or image processing
– Label and processing of ancient texts with standardized markup languages
– Linguistic and philological data management and analysis
– Web-based application services

More information.

Virtual Morphology Laboratory

It belongs to the MNCN and carries out digitization, virtual processing, 3D printing and post-processing tasks. More information.

Spectro-radiometry and environmental teledetection lab (SpecLab)

The laboratory is managed by the research group “Multiscale Geographic Analysis of Global Change” of the IEGD-CSIC. This group has extensive experience in the use of field spectroscopy tools and techniques, and in the processing and interpretation of aerial and satellite sensor data.. More information.

Genomics and Massive Sequencing Service of the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center

The CBMSO Genomics and Massive Sequencing Service is responsible for the implementation and development of molecular biology and genomics technologies. The philosophy of the service lies fundamentally in adapting as much as possible to the needs of the user. More information.

Food consulting

Mathematical modeling of the microorganisms behavior. These are relevant in many areas, for example in food industry processes to ensure food safety and quality. We have the ability to predict behaviors, and, therefore, optimize these behaviors, if available:

  1. time series of relevant data
  2. intuition about the mechanisms that relate them.

We develop the mathematics describing those mechanisms and estimate the uncertain parameters (or even parts of the model) to determine whether those behaviors can be predicted and thus optimize industrial processes. An example is the optimization of disinfection doses in the food industry to ensure inactivation of pathogens without generation of resistance. These techniques are relevant when there is no large amount of data and other artificial intelligence methods, for example, are not suitable. For more information contact Miriam Rodríguez García (IIM)

Ethics consulting

The Institute of Philosophy (IFS, CSIC) offers support on ethical and epistemological issues (ethics by design, detection and avoidance of bias, liability issues, etc.). For more information contact Astrid Wagner (IF-CCHS, CSIC)

Machine learning consulting

Offers support on machine learning issues. For more information contact Ignacio Villanueva (ICMAT, CSIC) o Maria Castrillo (IFCA, CSIC) for environmental cases.

Social surveys

Offers assistance in performing social surveys and performing fieldwork in online surveys. For more information contact Manuel Trujillo (IESA, CSIC)


Support companies, administrations and non-governmental organizations to successfully carry out the development of solutions to theoretical and practical problems that require advanced and frontier knowledge in statistics, machine learning, data science and engineering, operations research, artificial intelligence and mathematics. We motivate institutions, scientists, researchers and graduate students to collaborate on challenges that drive societal improvement. More information.

Quantum generator

Quantum random number generator based on semiconductor laser. For more information contact Ángel Valle Gutiérrez (IFCA, CSIC)

Neuroscience consulting

Offers know-how on topics related to Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies. For more information contact Liset M. de la Prida (IC, CSIC)

Electric, autonomous and connected driving

CAVIAR: Connected and Automated DiVIng as A SeRvice. It provides infrastructure for testing and validation of electric, autonomous and connected driving systems in smart cities. For more information contact Jorge Villagrá (CAR, CSIC)


Customized and ready-to-use digital packages for SMEs to take advantage of the IA opportunities at affordable prices and at right scale. For example, these can be digital packages for production inspection and quality control, for worker fatigue/stress/distraction detection or for production reconfiguration, among others. The new system plans to correlate data collected in process or available in the historical data sets of SMEs – for example, process and machine descriptions, or worker profiles – to extract valuable information using analysis based on big data, dynamic modeling and convolutional neural networks. For more information contact Rodolfo Haber (CAR, CSIC)