Digital security

The emergence and evolution of telecommunication technologies in recent decades has brought forth the highly interconnected world we live in. Most citizens, whether they are teenagers, workers or retired people, make intensive use of devices such as mobile phones, tablets or personal computers, whether for work or personal use. This situation has clear benefits, as it allows us to be more efficient and to access almost any type of information immediately, but it also presents significant risks for both citizens and companies.

 A device that has been compromised becomes one of the preferred access routes to companies for cybercriminals, since the large number of devices that can potentially be used is compounded by the transfer of part of the responsibility for the attack to the user and the greater difficulty in identifying the true origin of the attack once it has taken place.

Viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, keyloggers, backdoor or ransomware are just some examples of malicious applications that can infect electronic devices if their users do not take a minimum of precautions, such as using security software endorsed by public expert reviews, or avoiding dubious websites when surfing the Internet and untrusted public WiFi networks. For all these reasons, it is essential to promote healthy and responsible habits among workers and citizens in general, i.e. good cyber hygiene practices.

Coordination: Piedad Brox (IMSE-CNM) and Luis Hernández (ITEFI)

The groups that compose the Digital security area are:

Research groups
  • Antropología Social y Cultural del ILLA
  • CLEAN ROOM Device Characterization del IMB-CNM
  • Computación Avanzada y e-Ciencia del IFCA
  • DataLab del ICMAT
  • Dinámica y fluctuaciones en sistemas no lineales del IFCA
  • Dinámicas demográficas del IEGD
  • Diseño y test de circuitos integrados de señal mixta del IMSE-CNM
  • Dispositivos y Sistemas de Potencia del IMB-CNM
  • Evolución de galaxias del IAA
  • Física Médica del IFIC
  • Fotónica del IFCA
  • Grupo de ética aplicada (GEA) del IFS
  • Grupo de investigación en Criptología y Seguridad de la Información (GiCSI) del ITEFI
  • Historia Cultural del Mediterráneo del ILC
  • Ingeniería Inversa del IMB-CNM
  • Laboratorio de Gestión y Análisis de Datos Biológicos Masivos del MNCN
  • Literatura, Imagen e Historia Cultural del ILLA
  • Metal Nano del IMN-CNM
  • Micología; aunque es GBIF mi foco de acción del RJB
  • MIST del IPP
  • N2GO “Nanoscale and Nonlinear Guided Optics” del IO
  • Nanoestructuras metálicas (MetalNano) del IMN-CNM
  • Pedro Noheda Research Group (PNRG) del IQOG
  • Security and Reliability in CMOS and Emerging Technologies ( del IMSE-CNM
  • Theoria cum Praxi del IFS
  • Theoria cum Praxi del IPP